Sara Haderle, a resident of Redwood City, follows an intensive exercise routine that includes Bikram Yoga sessions up to five times a week. Sara Haderle plans on pursuing an education to become a Bikram Yoga teacher and lead classes in heated rooms.
High indoor heat and humidity are some of the defining characteristics of a Bikram Yoga classroom. While practicing yoga in a heated environment provides numerous health benefits, practitioners can run the risk of becoming dehydrated. This can be avoided by taking precautions before, during, and after class to maintain healthy hydration levels. It is best to drink water at various intervals before class begins. Beverages infused with electrolytes can ensure that the body remains fully hydrated.
On the other hand, caffeinated drinks such as tea or coffee should be avoided. While drinking water throughout the class is encouraged, imbibing too much liquid can cause discomfort and make some poses more difficult. Participants are advised to take cues from their body and slow down their intensity if they experience any physical symptoms. Since Bikram Yoga can result in immense water loss, practitioners should drink at least two liters of water up to six hours after ending the session.
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